Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Fan restyle of 1984 David Lynch's DUNE

In 1984 David Lynch directed the movie representation of Frank Herbert sci-fi classic DUNE. If you haven't read the novel I strongly advise you to do it because it's a masterpiece of science fiction literature (and that's not just my opinion).
Anyway, Lynch's film got alternate reviews. Many, including Herbert himself, gave the movie a high rate, while others despised it because of the complication of the plot and the deviations from the book story.
I personally liked the film but I can admit that the realization can be at least seen as controversial.
A talented fan, Sasha Burrow, a Los Angeles based 3D modeler and animator, is relentlessly working on a project to "revamp" the movie, with a focus on the special effects.
Here below you can see the showreel, dated March 2010, and appreciate the improvements so far tested on the film. Considering the quality of the improvements and the fact that Sasha's currently working alone, the effort is really heroic.
You can find more information and keep track of the improvements on Sasha's blog: DUNE Special Edition.
The guy's looking for help, so if you feel able to join this interesting and commendable project, just contact Sasha.

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