Sunday, November 30, 2008

My PyQt Scribbles (Python and Qt) #2: a plain window in PyQt

Today we will create a main window, set a window title, an icon and a tooltip related to the window.
First of all let's check that our PyQt is well installed and working. To do this just type: import PyQt4 from IDLE and press enter. If nothing happens we're fine. If it shows an error message like "ImportError: No module named PyQt4", try to check your installation (see My PyQt scribbles #1).
If everything is fine we can start.
I will first present the code as a whole and then proceed through it to analyse the various parts.
import sys
from PyQt4 import QtGui

class HelloWorldWindow(QtGui.QMainWindow):
        def __init__(self, parent = None):
                QtGui.QMainWindow.__init__(self, parent)
                self.setWindowTitle("My First Qt Window")
                self.setToolTip("Hello to this Wiz and Chips example!")

app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
main_window = HelloWorldWindow()
We begin importing the needed modules.
import sys
from PyQt4 import QtGui

Sys is needed to initialise the QApplication class. This class manages the application control flow and the main settings. QApplication contains the main event loop (where all events from the window system and other sources are processed and dispatched), the application initialisation and finalization. For any GUI application based on Qt there must be one QApplication object, no matter how many windows are displayed.
QtGui is the module which contains the GUI classes. As a matter of fact extends the QtCore module with GUI functionality
We now create a main class:
class HelloWorldWindow(QtGui.QMainWindow):
The argument of our window class refers to another class, QMainWindow, which supplies a main application window.

The layout has a center widget area where any kind of widget can be placed. You can add QToolBars, QDockWidgets, a QMenuBar, and a QStatusBar. It's not currently possible to create a main window without a central widget. You must have a central widget even if it is just a placeholder.
Now we create a function to initialise the class
def __init__(self, parent = None):
            QtGui.QMainWindow.__init__(self, parent)
this is to initialise the main window. __init__ is a special function in python which is used to set up the object using the arguments to make variables for the object. __init__ is called upon the object creation.
Now it's time to shape a bit our window.
self.setWindowTitle("My First Qt Window")
The setWindowTitle() method sets the window title
The setGeometry method sets the relative position (x,y) on the screen and the size (w,h) of the window
This method sets the window icon. For my test I have used a crystal clear project icon ( For windows user be sure to use "/" as folder separator instead of "\". The latter is used for escapes in python.
self.setToolTip("Hello to this Wiz and Chips example!")
With this method we specify a tooltip related to our present object: the main window
app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
QApplication class manages the GUI control flow and main settings
main_window = HelloWorldWindow()

The show() method displays the widget on the screen
This is to enter the main loop
Here below you can see the result: a window with all the accessories we have defined both in Windows XP and Linux Kubuntu 8.10 KDE 4.1 fashion.

Pretty neat result isn't it? And without too much effort also! At this very early point PyQt seems quite cool and easy to me. Let's see what we can pull out of it.
As always.. stay tuned folks!
Disclaimer: I'm not a prefessional python programmer nor I pretend to be. I am just an amateur willing to learn and share its by-no-means-guarantee-as-it know-how with the reader. I nevertheless hope you will enjoy my scribbles and maybe find them somewhat stimulating and helpful.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Town and neighbours to deprive 3yo disabled boy of his pony

I want to report what I read today following a Boing Boing suggestion by the newsletter I receive on daily basis. This led me reading an article on the National Post, Posted Toronto website which I further delved into on the Caledon Enterprise.
What I read is something that, as father of a 16 months old boy, I am especially sensitive to. It is also something which appeals to some of the most basic civil concepts as well as to a compassion feeling that should be a common base to all human beings. Of course that isn't the case and this is especially true when we see something like this taking place in one of those countries we include within the list of the more advanced and civilized ones. This is also a pilot light about how many injustices are in the world which are just there, awaiting to be eradicated.

The story is simple. Little Sam, 3yo boy living in Caledon Town, Ontario, Canada, is born with spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsy. Sam can't walk or crawl and when he was younger he also suffered from lung problems which can make him prone to possible infection. The boy suffers also from seizures.

To all this suffering Sam has only one thing, apart from his mother and grandparents, that bring joy to his difficult life: his mini pony Emily who's a gift from Sam's grandfather.

Sam rides Emily and he's happy, I imagine him dominating the world from the height of his pony friend. She holds him on his back from which he can feel freedom in a world where he can't move the way a boy of his age would like to do. I can understand deeply in my heart what he feels because I know how much my son, Robert, like to move, run, crawl and twirls like a little Tasman devil.

Now it comes the harsh news. Antonia Spiteri who's the mother of Sam, received a notice from the Town that, due to neighbours complaints and a so called out-of-the-law usage of her own property, Emily must be removed. It seems that Antonia's neighbours find the smell of Emily a severe threat to their life standards and the Town finds unacceptable to maintain a mini pony (called livestock) on a one acre property that borders a cattle farm.

Antonia, who is a single mom living with her parents, is struggling to avoid her son to be separated from Emily. Sam is really attached to the pony and Antonia says that he cries when they take him off the pony, even if he's tired. More of a friend Emily is also part of a therapy for Sam whose core muscles need to be strengthen. Sam's mother has already begun to show her son the possibility that the pony could go away. So Sam gets very upset every time they take him off Emily because he fear he will not see her again.

Antonia's going to discuss this issue to the Caledon committee of adjustment on Dec. 10. This procedure will cost her something about 1000 Canadian Dollars which are something about 650 Euro. It'sis really frustrating and absurd and tragically ridiculous that besides his serious conditions Sam, who's only 3 years old, must also face the cruelty of neighbours and the stupidity of bureaucracy.

I just want to spread the voice about this situation. I only ask you to send an e-mail to Antonia to let Sam and her your support. They need it for sure.
Her e-mail is:

If you also want to send a message of concern to the Caledon city council you will find the e-mail contacts to this page of the town website.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

My PyQt Scribbles (Python and Qt) #1

this first installment of My PyQt Scribbles I will briefly introduce the Qt (PyQt) framework.
We will work with PyQt4 and Python 2.6. I will try as much as possible to test the code either on Linux (Kubuntu 8.10 currently) or Windows XP.
Let's start with a note on the installation.
For Windows users it's quite trivial (as usual) to download the binary from this page of Riverbank website. If you intend to use same tools I'm using then be sure of downloading the package for Python 2.6 (PyQt-Py2.6-gpl-4.4.4-2.exe). For Linux unfortunately there's no binary available but only the source for you to compile. My advice is to install the packages through Synaptict or Adept. Just look for python-qt4 in the repository.
PyQt, as binding of Nokia (former Trolltech) Qt, is a very complete library whose classes have been split is several extension modules.
The most important ones are the following:

And directly from the PyQt reference guide...
QtGui module: This contains the majority of the GUI classes.
QtCore module: This contains the core non-GUI classes, including the event loop and Qt's signal and slot mechanism. It also includes platform independent abstractions for Unicode, threads, mapped files, shared memory, regular expressions, and user and application settings.
QtNetwork module: This module contains classes for writing UDP and TCP clients and servers. It includes classes that implement FTP and HTTP clients and support DNS lookups.
QtXml module: This module contains classes that implement SAX and DOM interfaces to Qt's XML parser.
QtSvg module: This module contains classes for displaying the contents of SVG files.
QtOpenGL module: This module contains classes that enable the use of OpenGL in rendering 3D graphics in PyQt applications.
QtSql module: This module contains classes that integrate with SQL databases. It includes editable data models for database tables that can be used with GUI classes. It also includes an implementation of SQLite.
phonon module: This module contains classes that implement a cross-platform multimedia framework that enables the use of audio and video content in PyQt applications.
Qt module: This module consolidates the classes contained in all of the modules described above into a single module. This has the advantage that you don't have to worry about which underlying module contains a particular class. It has the disadvantage that it loads the whole of the Qt framework, thereby increasing the memory footprint of an application. Whether you use this consolidated module, or the individual component modules is down to personal taste.
We will begin referencing to QtGui directly -thus not calling PyQt directly-. As it happens to many voyages also my journey into PyQt has not an established trail or end. This means we will implement features together and possibly refer to many of the modules later.
As I always say, stay tuned folks!

Monday, November 24, 2008

The Linux Game Box #4: Beyond the Red Line (Battlestar Galactica)

Welcome to episode 4 of The Linux Game Box.
Today I'm gonna talk of Beyond the Red Line, a space combat simulation and unofficial spin-off of the reimagined Battlestar Galactica show.
Title:        Beyond the Red Line
Genre:     Platform
License:  Unknown but free

Beyond the red line is a standalone conversion (hooray!) of the award winning FreeSpace 2 game by Volition, Inc. The game released in 2007 it's only a demo featuring three single player missions and multiplayer support. A full game version (commercial?) is announced but no release date is specified. The official website provide scarce information and on October 2008 part of the team left Beyond the Red Line to work on a different project. We can thus fear that the full Beyond the Red Line full game is a vapoware.

To install the demo first thing you must download the install script. You can do so using this tracker for your torrent client. If you don't have a torrent client you can just download the script directly from on of the mirrors on the official web site.
After having downloaded the file you must set the script to be executable. To do this right click on the file, choose the permission tab and click the executable check box and run the script by double clicking it. At this point you could face a library problem like "error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory". If you have this issue just install the last version of libgtk from Synaptic or Adept. At this point you can double click again on the install script and install the game.   Alternatively to solve the dependency and install the the game you could type this on the console:
$: sudo apt-get install libgtk1.2
$: sh
The installer will create a btrl_demo folder on your /home folder.
Run the btlr_demo script to run the game.
Linux system requirements:
• Operating System: Linux x86 compatible
• CPU: Pentium® 1 GHz or AMD Athlon 800 MHz processor
• Memory: 512 MB RAM, 1 GB recommended
• Graphics Card: 64 MB NVIDIA® GeForce 3 or ATI Radeon with closed source drivers, Mesa 6 or better with S3TC extension available for open source drivers
• Input Device: Mouse and keyboard
• Installation: 800 MB free HD space

BTRL is a space combat simulator game so the gameplay is similar to that of glorious games of the past like Wing Commander and the Lucasfilm X-Wing series. Thus the concept is basically you sit into the cockpit of a colonial Viper to do the fighter pilot's job: escort ships and do a lot of dogfight against the cylons. The game implement semi Newtonian physics flight to enable the player to perform all the manouvers seen on the show. Also the weaponry and ship instrumentation are replica of those designed for the SciFi tv show. Similar to its predecessors also BTRD features a full set of commands which requires a certain amount of practice to be learnt and mastered. This can be see as a drawback but in my opinion that's not the case. At the beginning can be hard to mess around with all the keys -somewhat contortionist- but as you learn and use them you get accustomed to them and acquire more control on the ship and this is quite rewarding. 

From the visual point of view BTRL is quite satisfactory. The ships are accurately modeled and contain high-resolution textures. The environment is fascinating and immersing. Performing flybys of asteroids while chasing down cylon fighters with a gigantic alien planet in the background is something which provides breathtaking experience. Some effects, like explosions, could have been better and some others, like the shaking of the ship in afterburner, are really nice.

The sound is a real plus of this game. Even if BTRL is not an official Battlestar Galactica game the guys of the development team put pieces by Bear McCreary and Richard Gibbs which, useless to say, create a unique atmosphere. Music apart, the game is rich of actor speech either during briefing or during space combat. This especially helps you to bathe into the pilot character; you will hear pilots chatting, swearing "frak!" and screaming for their life, this all melted with the crackling of the laser and the humming of the cylon fighters brushing your ship.

The story is set during Battlestar Galactica Season 2. You are a pilot recruit draft and pressed into service by the not-so-gentle folks of the Battlestar Pegasus. Who watched the show's already aware that the philosophy of the Pegasus captain concerned a struggle to survive which implied dismantling of the civilian ships it was supposed to protect. Your objective is do your job and becoming a first class pilot of the Pegasus forces and possibly not to get killed also.
I must say that the story is not that well told or present in the game. There's a lot of briefing (all spoken by actors) but no introductory sequences, no cinematics, and no after mission chill out activities such as interaction with the mother ship personnel or environment. Although this is only a demo of a future game, I must list this aspect within the cons.

Even is Beyond the Red Line is amazing under many aspects, to have only 3 single player missions to play which is simply disappointing.
Note: the source code of FreeSpace2 was released by Voliton, Inc. under a non commercial license. The source code can be used to produce mods and stand alone games and it's currently developed and maintained by the FreeSpace 2 Source Code Project


Here below you can see a video footage showing the game in action.
If you want browse more videos you can check the Beyond the Red Line YouTube channel here

Monday, November 17, 2008

The Linux Game Box #3: Secret Maryo Chronicles

The game I'm about to present you for this instalment of The Linux Game Box, it's just one of those title so polished, smooth and fluid that lets you think that yes, there is hope for Linux to be just a little more of a gaming platform. I say this despite the simplicity that marks every aspect of this particular game.

I don't wanna waste more time so let me introduce you Secret Maryo Chronicles.

Title: Secret Maryo Chronicle
Genre: Platform
License: GNU Public License v3

Secret Maryo Chronicles is platform game heavily inspired (someone could find it a clone) by Nintendo's Super Mario series. The game is coded in C++ with SDL and OpenGL libraries and it's really pretty fluid on my 4yo laptop. On January 2008 SMC has been awarded #1 in the 5 best (free) open source games chart by the Australian computer magazing APC.

To install Secret Maryo Chronicles on (K)Ubuntu is sufficient to add the repository to your repository list with Synaptic or Adept.
The repository for (K)Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex is this:
deb intrepid universe
The packages to be installed are called:
The Ubuntu Package page can be found here. The download page on the official site is here

Of course Secret Maryo Chronicles is pure fun. Just like the old 2D Super Mario games you have basically to explore and travel through various levels running and jumping to crush enemies or discover goodies hidden behind bricks. There's no more to say about it as this is a well tested formula of simple and mindless game fun. The sensation of running a Nintendo classic on your Linux machine is strong and, as far as I'm concerned, this is also a strong plus for this well done game.

The graphics is simple but just perfect for the game. I would say it's flawless either in concept or in design. The sprites and the world components are well refined with a great appeal. Again, main character apart all the graphics in the game strongly resemble that of Super Mario 2D games. This is not a drawback in my opinion but I must be honest and say that even if the guys in the wiki faq say they don't want to clone Super Mario (that's why they redrew the Maryo sprite) the sensation of playing a clone is pretty strong.
As already said the 2D engine runs perfectly fast in all the conditions I have been able to test.

The sound is generally nice and does is job well.  The music is well suited for the game and again it reminds the Nintendo block buster. The sound effects are nothing special but they work sufficiently well.

You couldn't expect the story to be a high score aspect in a game such as this one. The game ratio is all focused on the gameplay that, as I mentioned above, scrapes perfection. However even the Mario game's attempted to sketch a story, at least as a sort of frame to give a "structured sense" to the action. Super Maryo lacks in this aspect. When you start the game you are presented with no introduction and no hints are shown during the games (at least during the few levels I played). At the beginning there's just a map showing your progress in the world and that's all.
A manual for the built-in editor can be found in the game wiki here.

The game comes along with a built-in editor which is so simple and intuitive to be a valuable tool for enthusiast level creators. As a matter of fact by installing smc-data you are supplied with lots and lots of user created levels. To enter the editor you just press F8 when playing a level and you are allowed to modified everything with a drag and drop fashion by means of a side bar presenting all the game components. Creating a level with the SMC editor it's really simple and fun. To prove this you can see a screenshot of my messing around and creating a dummy Wiz & Chips level.


Here below you can see a video footage showing the game in action.
If you want browse more videos you can check the Secret Maryo Chronicles YouTube channelhere

Open Source Commodore BASIC as a Scripting Language

On October 28th Michael Steil announced on his blog Pagetable the release of Commodore BASIC as a scripting language for Linux, Windows and Mac (OS X 10.4/10.5 -Intel and PowerPC).
What he has done is a simple recompilation of the original 6502 Commodore 64 binary which is 100% compatible and runs at a quite high speed.
So if you feel a bit nostalgic and in the mood of writing a few lines of code on behalf of the old times you can download the .zip package here
Inside the archive you will find the Windows and Mac binaries. For Linux you will have to compile it (why on Linux it's always compile and compile!).
There are lots and lots of online resources to teach yourself programming in Commodore BASIC and the temptation for me to write a tiny, even insignificant, app just for the sake of my forever lost youth is very strong, but my workload so high to halt me.
However if you're interested in retrocomputing you could start checking this interesting website (floodgap)and if you wat just have a glimpse of Commodore BASIC this page will introduce you briefly to this epic language.
For now, let me just do this:

20 GOTO 10

Picture by:

Thursday, November 13, 2008

My PyQt Scribbles (Python and Qt) #0

My intention is to write a series of posts discussing practical ways of working with PyQt. I've recently thought about the fact that blog posts can be a formidable way to note down things I may need to refer to someday in the future. This is a sorta rediscovering the meaning of a journal: an organic (or not) bunch of entries and annotations which, by growing in time, become a precious reference for the writer.

This thought of mine got stuck to another mental post-it I had about learning PyQt which eventually lead me to shape this column

Qt is an application development framework mostly used to create graphical applications (and also non GUI apps). It's created and maintained by Qt Software (formerly Trolltech), a Norwegian company acquired by Nokia since June 2007. Qt is know to be a cutting edge library designed to supply advanced features which can be implemented with flashy code and deployed on several platforms like Linux, Windows, Mac OS, Windows CE and Embedded Linux. Qt has been used to create well-known apps like KDE, GoogleEarth, VLC, Skype, Photoshop Elements, Qtopia, Virtual Box, etc...
PyQt is the Python binding of the very famous library Qt and it's created and maintained by the British company Riverbank.

Python is a high level, interpreted, object oriented (even if it supports other types of programming paradigms), open source programming language. It's a fairly young language which is getting more and more consensus among the developers  mainly thanks to some features which makes Python the most desirable choice for a wide range of tasks. Python focuses on simplicity and elegance; the syntax and semantics are minimalistic: something which lead to an increased productivity and a less painful code maintenance. Python gets rid of twisted structure and useless fripperies like brackets, thus enhancing readability. Despite its minimalism Python offers a huge standard library.

Beyond all this it's worth saying that Python's also my favourite programming language.
For sure Python hasn't the power, in terms of CPU squeezing, of languages like C or C++, but unless you are developing the engine for a real time 3D graphics application, like a cutting edge video game, then my opinion is that for 90% of your needs Python is simply unbeatable.
Stay tuned on this channel to read the first installment of My Journey Into PyQt
Note on licensing:
The Open Source Editions of Qt is freely available for the development of Open Source software governed by the GNU General Public License (GPL). For more information...
PyQt v4 is available on all platforms under a variety of licenses including the GNU GPL (v2 and v3). If your use of PyQt is compatible with the GPL then you do not need to buy a commercial PyQt license. Similarly you do not need to buy a commercial Qt license. For more information...
Python is licensed under The Python Software Foundation License (PSFL) which is a BSD-style, permissive free software license compatible with the GNU General Public License (GPL). For more information...

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Linux Game Box #2: UFO: Alien Invasion

In this installment of The Linux Game Box I will discuss about UFO: Alien Invasion (U:AI), a turn based strategy game in which humans must fight back aliens attempting to invade Earth.
You play both the head of PHALANX, an agency whose aim is to fight and study the alien invaders, and the several soldiers members of the tactical teams.
The game is heavily influenced by the well known and appreciated X-COM and especially by the X-COM: UFO Defense episode.
U:AI is licensed under the GNU General Public License.
The project is alive and very active. The team is well coordinated and always looking for help in various aspect of the game production. Help is needed in many fields ranging from coding to 3D modelling and animating, translating, etc...
This is indeed one of the most interesting aspect of open source games which give the chance to common people to be part of an amazing project in the area where their skill can be more of help. As a matter of fact, giving my chronic lack of spare time, I found an ideal way of helping this project by translating part of the game text (which is quite massive in this case) to Italian.
If you want to get involved in the project you may refer to the wiki for the full list of areas you can contribute to develop. The easiest way to meet up with the community however is perhaps joining them at this IRC channel (irc://

U:AI is already present in the repositories and can thus been easily installed via Synaptic or Adept. If you run (K)Ubuntu you will also find the game inside the list of the add/remove tool.
Apart from Linux, the game runs also on Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X.
However instructions can be found here and the download trunk can be found here.

There are two main gameplays sections that compose the game: a strategy/management part and a tactical/action part.
In the strategy/management part you take the role of the head of PHALANX and must take high level decision like arranging the base facility, hire personnel, start researches, schedule equipment and vehicle production and send squads to intercept alien fighters and engage alien troops on the ground. The time management system for this phase is based on the calendar in the way of other famous games like Sim City or The Sims. You can adjust the time speed in order to increase or decrease the chance of an alien ambush to take place during this phase (thus pushing you to the tactical phase).
In the tactical part you command the privateers and specialists of the tactical team to perform the mission objective. The action is split in turns and every character has a defined amount of Time Units (TU) to perform each desired action (i.e. walk, recharge the weapon, throw a frag grenade, etc..).
If you like strategy games you will find the gameplay mechanism of U:AI well calibrated thus providing a large amount of fun.
There's also the possibility for multiplayer game either via LAN or Internet connection.

U:AI's game engine is based on a heavily modified version of ID Software's Quake2 engine. The graphics quality is thus quite high and there's clearly the evidence of an effort to give the game a touch of professionalism. As the matter of fact the open source team has the target of producing a game which increases and surpasses, in all aspects, the game experience and overall quality of the original 1992 title. The updated OpenGL graphics shows well polished 3D models, several detailed environments, special effects, high resolution textures and nice characters animations.

A big attention is given to the music and sound effects (more to the first to be honest) in order to create the right atmosphere for the game. This is another aspect which tells you how much care the team puts into this project.

This is the game's strongest plus.
U:AI takes place in 2084 in a planet Earth with a geopolitical configuration pretty different to the present real one. The various countries around the world did solidify and unify in huge blocks, with The Greater European Union and The Asian Republic being the most powerful and rich ones. Humanity is on the verge of welfare and peace at a level never experienced in its whole history. In this idyllic scenario aliens come out of the blue and attack the Indian city of Mumbai causing thousands of casualties among civilians and 
troops of The Commonwealth . The new UN meet and Earth declares war to the unknown aliens. Standard army approaches show poor results thus leading to the creation of PHALANX: an secret agency, established under UN banner, which summons the best of the best of Earth resources to eliminate the alien menace.
Every aspect of the game is rich of detail. The story literally rises from the player's progress in the game. For this reason every mission performed contains a cliffhanger, in the shape of an upcoming research on alien specimen or equipments, or story developments resulting from the mission accomplishment.


here below you can see a video trailer of the game

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Verical Scrolling on (K)Ubuntu touchpads updated to 8.10

Not so many days ago my good friend Carlo posted a column on his blog court of misanthropy with the instructions to enable the Mac flavored vertical finger scrolling on Ubuntu and Kubuntu laptops. You can find my plug of his article here.
Anyway since the updated Xorg 7.4 running onto the freshly delivered 8.10 Intrepid Ibex version of the Ubuntu and Kubuntu distros those "old" instructions aren't valid anymore.
But Carlo's a smart guy and has already provided a new procedure which he tested and should therefore run smoothly on your laptops.
As far as Carlo's concerned it seems that the problem is the enabling of SHMConfing within an untrusted environment which is share among different users. It follows that the safest way to enable the two-fingers scrolling is use an XML file for the Hardware Abstraction Layer with the setting for this function.
The file must contain the following code:

And it must be saved as:
If you're no Linux overlord just follow these plug 'n'play instructions:
1- Download this file already cooked by Carlo and save it in your home folder (i.e. /home/TheOneElectronic)
2- Open up the console, check you're in your /home and type:
sudo cp 11-synaptics-options.fdi /etc/hal/fdi/policy/
3- Restart the computer (it's not enough to restart X)
The two-finger scrolling should now be working
Further option: how to enable (Q)GSynaptics e SHMConfig
If you happen to be the only user of your pc you could anyway enabling GSynaptics (QSynaptics for KDE) you must create the file /etc/hal/fdi/policy/shmconfig.fdi containing the following code:

And here's the simplified version:
1- download this file already prepared for you and put it in your /home
2- Open up the console, check you're in your /home and type:
sudo cp shmconfig.fdi /etc/hal/fdi/policy/
3- Restart the computer
4- search and install (Q)GSynaptics with Synaptic or Adept
That's all folks!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

First African-American president in the U.S.A. history

One more time the huge book of history records an astonishing fact and, despite what you think of the political man or of his political program, this time is for the good.

What a better way to say "we've finished with all the racist stuff" that making it possible for an African-American to be elected president of the United States of America? Yes because despite all the money pouring, the advertisement and tv manipulation, and the natural desire for a change, this Obama success is the product of a radical change in the Americans mind that was just there in the corner awaiting for the chance to come to the light - and Obama gave it that chance.

So look at this glorious victory recorded in Google 2008 Elections Map

The Linux Game Box #1: Astromenace

Astromenace is a vertical scrolling shooter of the likes of the classic shot ‘em up like Xenon2 Megablaster.
The concept behind the game is fairly simple and all focused on piloting a space ship and fighting swarms of alien invaders.
The game is made by the Ukrainian software house Viewizard and is released as freeware for the Linux platform. A demo version is also available for Windows.

After downloading a 34 or so tar.bz2 file from this page it’s just enough to unzip it and double click on the bin in order to start the game.
For those who prefer to add the game to the apt repository a simple procedure is explained.
Minimum requirements:
Linux OS
Pentium 1+ GHz
128 MB RAM
3D video accelerator with 32+ MB on board
Runtime dependencies:
libSDL (ver 1.2.6+), libopenal (ver 1.0+), libalut (ver 1.0+), libogg (ver 1.1+), libvorbis (ver 1.1+), libvorbisfile (ver 1.1+), libjpeg (ver 6b+).

Astromenace is a great fun. The alien ships are huge in number and relentless in their effort to attack the human homeland (bosses included). The alien swarms remember well those of the arcade games of the 80’ as they seem much more like automated and stupid drones than manoeuvred by an intelligent form of life. However on the human side of the war the game offers interesting features. There are something like 20 different ships that can be purchased and upgraded with a whole stock of equipments and weaponry.

The overall graphic design is neat. The ships, equipments, aliens and environment are all carefully designed and will make you remember of several sci-fi movies and video games. Astromenace is all 3D accelerated graphics which provides a whole range of special effects that make the game one of the most graphically polished of the Linux games landscape.

The sound and music are just fine and provide the right atmosphere for the game

There’s no much to say here. As I told before Astromenace aim is not that of charming the gamer with its refined and complicated story. For this reason I give it a 6.

It’s possible to modify the game quite easily by editing an xml file. Viewizard provides a guide to help the user handling with the scripts.


In the video below you can have a look at the game play and graphics

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Google 2008 U.S. Election Map

Google's for sure not only the top search engine and advertisement guy but it's also a map pal. With Google Maps and Google Earth you can explore, search and track down a lot of stuff (not only places!).

The 2008 U.S.A. Presidential Election is the event of the year, especially if we consider that should Barack Obama win it would be a milestone in the history of the United States of America. For the first time ever a black man could lead the most influential country in the world.

Well, google set up a page containing all the tools to follow this exciting presidential race and now there's a new map designed to keep track of the votes leading to the election of the new U.S. president.