As the story goes a space object sprayed radiation over North America. Homeland Security immediately begins investigation fearing a terrorist attack. However the truth isn't so simple and the implications of what they found can involve the whole planet Earth...
Pioneer One is the work of Josh Bernhard and Bracey Smith, the guys behind another indie success named Lionshare, in collaboration with VODO. The pilot is the first episode in a season of seven. The story will unfolds during a total of four seasons.
This first episode cost just 6000 US$ and additional 20000 US$ are needed to produce the next three episodes. Pioneer One is a project made possible by donors and other forms of fund raising.
You can download the episode and watch it for free. There are several ways you can do it by checking the series page on VODO. From the same page you can help the production by making a donation (from 5$) or spreading the word.
I think this is really an interesting project especially because of the fact that this is not an unexperienced amateur work (no offence intended) but a show of high qualities and high expectations. From what I know regular tv series are getting more and more costly by the day and this is perceived as a problem even by certain producers (check the articles from a Sfy manager on Boing Boing). Pioneer One demonstrates how budget could be cut down by thinking smart, a little of courage and a leap of faith.